We’ve all done it. We’re fairly sure that everything on our website is up to date and we’re putting out the right information.
Well… not quite and we know!
Mad Scientist has just embarked on a revamped branding exercise for our fresh and exciting new website. Then we found a couple of things on the current site that weren’t right and out of date.
Going over the website is a bit like going through your pantry. There’s always something that’s past its expiry and you find things that you didn’t know you had and shouldn’t have. Mustard & Passionfruit essence anyone?
Sometimes we see websites that have more than a problem with their ‘pantry’. They literally have soap in the fridge and cheese stinking out the laundry.
This is when a visitor to their site gets pointed in all the wrong directions or they come up with a dreaded 404 – which sounds like a gun but it’s the classic Page Not Found. Either way, you are shooting yourself in the foot.
Everything in its right place makes the customer journey a smooth and enjoyable one. It also helps them become the return customer and we all love those.
Your time starts…now!
It doesn’t really matter what time of year it is, there’s always a chance that your website and your SEO practices could do with a spring clean.
Have you got the best foundations and are you making it easy for visitors to your site to find what they want and click the right button?Â
Sometimes it takes a different set of eyes to look over things to really see what’s going on and if something got missed. We did that ourselves and realised that yes, we’re very good at the bigger picture as well as the finer details, but none of us is infallible. (Is that spelled right? Yes, said the team).
It doesn’t matter if it’s On Page SEO or making sure that your site’s trust score is as high as it could be, there’s always some improvements that can be made. Even minor tweaks to specific areas can make a huge difference to your results.
Things you may have missed
It’s often easy to overlook certain things, especially when you’re busy trying to run your business.Â
Maybe it’s the old street address that’s still showing on your website. Perhaps your new logo is missing from your email. It might be you have a Landing Page for a service you no longer offer.
This is why it pays to get a health check done on your website. It will show you all the things of concern. Even small issues can add up to a bigger problem especially if they amount to you losing a potential customer.
There are specific ways to improve your organic rankings that you may not realise, unless you are mad about the different ways of optimising your website. That’s where Mad Scientist can help.
Having your website show its very best to all the programs and bots that crawl through it brings great rewards. Search engines like Google are hungry for quality content and you can give them something delicious that feeds their appetite for more. That ‘more’ you feed them means a better and better score.
Why specialists matter
As a digital marketing agency with real life SEO specialists, we know that finding something special about a business is the key to standing out.
It’s hard for some businesses to show the world (and more specifically their target audience) what makes them special. Oh, and it’s not customer service. Everyone thinks their customer service is the best, but you can join a lonnng queue who believe that too.
Asking a few key questions can unlock the potential a business has to showcase why they are the best choice for a potential customer. It’s not just what is different about you, it’s more about why that difference matters to your customers.
Are you industry experts who offer a strategy session where you explain what you can do and how you do it?Â
Are you the only supplier of a specialised range of equipment or do you have a unique method that’s new to Australia?
Whatever it is, make it the focus of what you say.Â
Surprisingly, almost every business has a special ingredient, but they don’t always realise what it is. More often than not, there is a gold nugget or two that just needs to be polished and put on display. Sadly, that gold could be hidden when it could be shining bright on your website.
You want your target audience to find you and find out what’s special about you. That’s why staying up to date with what you are telling potential customers is crucial.
That’s where specialists can help.Â
Ahem, that’s Mad Scientist Digital in case you missed it.
While you’re making sure everything is up to date with your website, here’s a Special Last Minute Reminder that the deadline for registering your domain name is the 20th of Sept 2022. If you haven’t done it yet, the Federal Government recommends you reserve your .au domain name by visiting an auDA accredited registrar.