Announcing our new website and logo

Mad Scientist

There’s a Science to Our Madness

You will have heard us say that having an online presence is not just necessary, it’s absolutely vital to your existence as a business and that’s our business too.

The challenge, as a digital marketing agency, is hitting the mark when it comes to your own branding and marketing. 

As Mad Scientist continues to grow and evolve, we felt it was time to look at our own online presence and create an innovative and current website that shows that we don’t just know Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), we live and breathe it. 

Don’t panic. We’re NOT changing our name. 

We will always be Mad Scientist, with our amazing team of crazies that our clients have known and trusted for the last 12 years. What we do have is a new website and new logo that truly represents us – and some new swanky service offerings and approaches too.

The new website still has our classic Mad Scientist, who has never waived and has stood the test of time with his digital fashion. Now, he sparks and flickers with ideas of what he (and we at Mad Scientist) can do to make crazy things happen. That could be discovering a whole new way of looking at your SEO or fine-tuning the different ingredients to find the perfect formula for the best results. 

We’ve said it once and we’ll say it a thousand times more, SEO is not a one-off project. It’s never just DONE. Things are always changing. There are changes to everything from technology to trends, markets, your customers and even your own business. Add to the mix that Search Engines are constantly updated and it’s a moving landscape.

A website should be a calling card for what you do, how you do it and why someone has come to the right place. Your SEO should give all the answers to those who are looking for what you offer. You need to talk to them and engage them, even start a conversation. 

That’s what our new Mad Scientist website is here for.

Overall, we are thrilled with our new website and logo and can’t wait for you to check it out

We know there’s a Mad Scientist in all of us. 

So how do you get found?

That’s where we come in. 

At Mad Scientist, we have a special focus (some say it’s an obsession) to make sure you are found by Search Engines. The last thing you need is to spend all your money and efforts on an eye-catching website but be invisible online. We get you seen for all the things that you want to be known for and to be found by your target market.

There are no tricks or gimmicks or trying to pull the wool over your eyes with something like “Look, you got over 10,000 clicks on your site,” even though not one of those was ever going to be a paying customer.

We have been playing Google at their own game for decades and our experienced team led by Ian Hopkinson, Andrew Radics and Carl Huybers, will make your business more visible to both Search Engine bots and to your ideal customers.

Have a wander through our new website and see what we offer. It might be something that sparks your imagination and gets you thinking there might be a better way to do things.

That’s what we’re mad about and that’s the whole reason we started Mad Scientist.


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